Tending the Earth...
Recreating Sustainability
Drying vegetables. Grinding grain. Making pemmican.
Imparting herbal medicine knowledge.
Education concerning traditional Native clothing.
Resurrecting the Hunt...
Shoot. Track. Skin.
Native tribes built many different types of shelters. Not just tipis!
Traditional Arts
Basketry. Pottery. Weaving.
We're keeping it alive.
The drum is the heartbeat of our people. We're keeping it beating.
There is an old Native prophecy: When our people forget how to make fire the old way, we will cease to be a people. We are in danger of that becoming a reality. There are so many skills that our grandmothers and grandfathers had that have not been learned by the younger generations. Preserving food. Reading the weather. Tracking animals. Finding water.
The Cherokee, along with many other First Nations tribes, have been farmers for more generations than we can count. Yet in a matter of only one or two generations, these skill sets are in danger of extinction. Many younger generations have not learned to work the land. And many of the elders who know how are no longer here to teach.
Unique Challenges
Another practical challenge is that many people on American Indian reservations simply do not have access to fresh produce. Sometimes it's because there is not a store on the reservation that has a produce section. Food is often purchased at convenience stores or dollar stores. It's hard to believe, but true. Sometimes the closest produce stand is a 1 or 2 hour drive.
Additionally, tribes on northern reservations face short growing seasons that limit availability of produce to a few brief weeks.
An Answer
The solution is figuring out how to fit growing your own food into your lifestyle. We can teach you how to do it in an economical, low time-investment fashion. What gardening style is right for your life? Check out our videos to see.
As a living, existing culture, we as Indigenous people utilize some modern techniques and knowledge from current innovations to adapt in our new world. After all, you are reading this on just such an adaptation. There are new farming techniques, also. They can help us make the traditional objective of raising our own food an attainable goal for everyone in modern society.
Good health is dependent on good food. Many can't afford high priced organic food.
But who can afford to be sick?
Nope! We are creating sustainable models for many others to follow. And we have already begun to help others with gardens in their land. Look to FireKeepers International for how-to videos. We are going to inspire you to get your hands dirty!
We are just transitioning into this new project. We are currently seeking land in eastern Tennessee so that we can begin this project in its fullness. But there's no moss growing on us in the meantime! We network with others who do have land and are ready to grow good food. Catch our resource videos on our YouTube Channel.