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Survival Tip of the Day - Inventory

Inventory is crucial to survival—you have to know what you have on hand. Knowing your inventory will make you better prepared in emergency situations.

We suggested an easy first step to getting prepared: getting a first aid kit. Did you get a first aid kit for your car? Did you take inventory of it when it arrived? If you are looking for a buy-it-and-throw-it-in-the-back-of-the-car type of person, hoping to never need it, we recommend this kit.

Knowing your inventory will give you the confidence to strengthen your will to survive! It will also strengthen your ability to think in a survival situation and lessen your fear and anxiety.

"Be prepared, not scared!"

In our preparation research, we've come across this VERY interesting new app:

It provides two options: a free version or you can pay for an upgraded version.

The upgraded version includes:

  • Sync your inventory with your prepper friends

  • Barcode scanner for easy listing

  • Different cashes/categories for more detailed inventory lists!

  • You can also import your spreadsheet if you already have one

  • Makes suggestions on items you may be missing

  • Customizable

Also check out their blog posts for some really great information and tips!

Let us know if you get it and share your opinion!

"Survival takes work."


At FireKeepers International, our native elders told us that we must teach whoever is willing to learn, the knowledge and skills that have been passed down by our ancestors.


For over 18 years, The RiverWinds have been committed to preserving and teaching indigenous and modern life skills, traditional holistic healing, community service, spiritual upliftment, and helping veterans and trauma victims through their healing processes.


Mission: FireKeepers International prepares people for hard times and helps people through hard times.

Vision: We envision people living without fear of hard circumstances, being fully equipped with knowledge, counsel, and provision.


FireKeepers International
PO Box 10

Mohawk, TN 37810

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© 2005-2023 FireKeepers International - As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, donations to FKI are tax-exempt, and FKI complies with all 501(c)(3) rules and regulations. The irs tells us to make sure to note that we reserve the right to re-allocate funds and/or use them how we best see fit. FireKeepers International is run by a national board of directors, filing all appropriate government documents for legal existence.

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